by Gerald Warner,
Softball Pitching Instructor

increasing number of 16, 17, and 18-year old college hopefuls are
finding that college coaches do NOT feel that they are ready to
pitch at the college level. An ideal pitching
candidate for most NCAA Division I and Division II colleges and
universities needs to have:
- Fastball
speed –
consistently over 60 mph in games
- Placement
capable of placing the ball at any corner
- Speed
variation –
the ability to throw all pitches at various
- Breaking
pitches –
at least two pitches that show significant movement every
- Poise
always demonstrating confidence and self-control regardless of the
don’t have a fastball.
I was taught to always use my drop as my fastball,” the
recruit told her new college coach. Replied the coach “Well here, we need to
see some faster pitches from you. Here you’re going to
have a fastball”.
Most college coaches recognize that a majority of pitchers
coming to them have the ability of pitching faster than what they
have demonstrating in club/travel ball and in high school. If the choice is between:
throwing (a) a drop
ball with slight movement at 58 or 59 mph or (b) a fastball at 62 or
63 mph, many situations would require the faster pitch. However, many pitchers have
not yet learned how to maximize their pitch
the pitching coach at the University of Nebraska and head coach of the
Canadian National Team recently said “…the fastball is making a
return in college.”
we noted in other articles on this website, the keys to increasing
fastball speed include:
- Develop an
EXPLOSIVE drive off the pitching rubber
- Have
a good opening rotation of your trunk
- Focus
on a long and fast stride
- Plant
your stride foot and leg for correct resistance
- Put
all of your effort into a hard, fast final downswing
(arm whip) through
the release
during the past 10 years, many pitchers have been taught to use a
rollover (snapping over-the-top) drop ball release as their
“fastest” pitch. This
practice was started by male pitching instructors who, as former
pitchers themselves, had adopted an “every pitch must be a breaking
pitch” philosophy.
But the majority
of them had used the “peel” method…not the “rollover” drop
ball release. As is obvious to most,
rolling the hand over the top of the ball as it is being released
decreases the speed of the pitch, and also increases the potential
of tendonitis in the forearm, and even elbow and wrist
(see more at
the 3-time All-American pitcher and owner of the Club K softball
training facility in Nashville says: “The most powerful release for
the fastest pitch is with the middle finger (behind
the ball)
. Any twist, either a
corkscrew, curve, or drop will slow the ball down…maybe 3 miles per
hour.” This
“thumb-first, fingers behind the ball” release not only results in a
faster pitch, but also lays the groundwork for using the “peel”
method of throwing a dropping fastball.
Gay, the nationally
respected pitching coach in Vancouver, Washington says
“Don't fall into
the trap of thinking you can have a turn over drop that will be your
fastest pitch. The fastest ball you can throw is a drop
and the fastest drop you can throw, and one that has the greatest
spin, is the peel drop. Just by the nature of the pitch,
turning the hand over the top of the ball will slow the ball
down.” John Gay's contact info: , (360)
always want our pitching students to focus on breaking
pitches...pitches that have significant, deceptive
But we also have them work continuously on increasing the
speed of their fastest pitch…a fastball.
you don’t have a fastball or a peel drop that is considerably
faster than your current fastest breaking pitch, develop
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call Pitching Instructor Gerald Warner in Colorado at
(720) 200-4575
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