PARENTS) The Basics...Grip, Stride, Arm Rotation,
FIRST – Learn, practice,
and develop good pitching mechanics NOT worry about
throwing strikes when you are learning how to pitch. Learn how to do it right,
make certain that everything is correct and smooth, then
later you can start adding speed. Control
strikes) should not be an
issue in the beginning.
First learn the correct way of doing the pitching motion and
delivery. Then LATER
you can work on being accurate and throwing
Avoid Pitching Injuries
- 10 Things NOT to
Do Softball pitchers…even those with years of
experience…often develop (or were even taught) incorrect pitching mechanics. Some can
become successful.
However, the majority don’t reach their maximum potential,
and a large percentage end up with short-term, or even
career-ending, pitching injuries. If you are doing any of
these 10 things, find a way to stop it... (click here for full article)
Recent E-mailed Questions and
Recommendations Each week we receive e-mails and telephone
calls from visitors to this website. We would appreciate
hearing from you, too, on any question or recommendation relating
to girls fastpitch softball pitching. Click here
for Recently-received Questions and
Recommendations...and our
Top Ten List - How to Begin Your
Pitching Career 1. Throw a
minimum of 300 full-speed practice pitches each week (400 is
OK). Practice, practice, and practice more. Hard,
serious practice is everything. Windmill pitching is not going to be
easy. You will need to
build up to the point where you are throwing 100 to 125
pitches every two or three days.
2. Master the mechanics
first…then speed. Use consistent arm speed the whole
way around...
(click here
for full article)
Pitching Lessons -
Recommendations Like other skills, good softball pitching
involves knowledgeable instruction and coaching and lots of practice. You should consider taking
lessons only if you (1) really
like softball, (2) are serious about becoming a good pitcher, (3)
are willing to practice pitching several times per week, and (4) are
doing it because YOU want to do it... (click here for full article)
How to Stop
the "Leaning Forward" Problem Every softball pitcher can pitch with better speed and
better control if she brings her shoulders back and “comes
back tall” as she releases the ball. Biomechanics studies
have shown that a pitcher will have maximum “torque”…and therefore
throw harder…if she does not lean forward as she finishes the
pitch. (click here for full
11-Years Old - With a Rise
Ball? It’s a great dream…a young pitcher throwing the
infamous rise ball.
Pitchers and their parents like to brag about how many
pitches they throw…even though all of them often look alike with no
movement at all. A true
rise ball is not merely a pitch that is released low and thrown to a
chin-high spot. We
discuss the correct spin
direction, the very fast spin
speed, and fast pitch
speed required for a “legitimate” rise
ball elsewhere on this website. In 20 years of training scores of pitchers of
all ages and observing thousands more we are yet to see a pre-teen
pitcher with a true “moving” rise ball... (click here for full article)
More Pitches for the Beginner - The drop, curve,
screw ball, and rise
ball Okay, so we’re playing a little trick to get your
attention. Look, you are a new pitcher…likely with
less than 6 months of learning and practicing the correct
mechanics. At this
point, any coach, parent, or pitching instructor who encourages you
to throw anything other than a straight, hard pitch with a fair
degree of accuracy... (click here for full
Pre-practice and Pre-game Preparation - The
correct way to warm-up Warming up properly and practice or before a essential for good
pitching performance. Depending on the pitcher, and the types
of pitches she throws, warm-up time varies from as little as
15-minutes to more than 1-hour. A 10-year old rec league
pitcher... (click here for full
Other articles on this
An Indoor Drill to
Increase Your Pitching
A Potentially
Dangerous Pitch Release...the "Over-the-Top"
The Best Pitch Location - Low or
Pitch...Even a Fastball...Has an
How to Create a
Striped Ball
What is an "Average" Pitching
Toe Drag...How to
Correct the Leaping
Crow Hopping, Foot Dragging, & Other
Misunderstood Pitching
"Stepping Style" vs. "Leap-and-Drag" Pitching - Which
is Best for You?
How to Select a Pitching
The Five Steps to Become a
Softball Pitcher
Throw Faster by Using a Good "Body
The Best
Recommended Products for
If you have questions or
need more information E-mail us, or
call Pitching Instructor Gerald Warner in Colorado at
(720) 200-4575
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