Founded by Gerald Warner, PitchSoftball.com is
backed with nearly 40 years of softball pitching and
coaching experience. Our goal is to provide valuable
information for pitchers, parents, and coaches AND to offer
professional advice for pitchers on how to pitch better, improve
their game, and get the greatest possible reward from the game of
softball. We recognize that fastpitch softball is a
SPORT. We want you to have every opportunity to do
your best, contribute to your team, (hopefully)
help your team win some
games...and HAVE FUN!
On the other pages of this website, you
will find fastpitch softball pitching information
and recommendations for girls who are just beginning...
for experienced college-level pitchers...and for those in
between. We have also provided valuable information for
softball Coaches and Parents of pitchers.
Our senior writer,
GERALD WARNER, is a longtime fastpitch softball pitching
instructor in Denver, Colorado. Daughter Sara is a
former travel ball, high school, and college
As a former pitcher, Gerald adds personal experience to his
ongoing study, research, and teaching of solid
softball pitching techniques and skills for girls and young
women. Each of Gerald and Sara's pitching students
loves the game of softball, is committed to developing her
skills, has a GREAT work ethic, practices HARD, and is
Coach Sara
From time to time, pitchers from
outside of Colorado have requested to meet with Gerald and have a
one-on-one pitching evaluation when they visit Colorado. For
more information about a personal diagnostic pitching evaluation
session in the Denver area,

If you have questions
or would like more information on softball pitching or
hitting, or if you have an article or hint that you would like to
have included on this website, please E-mail or call
Click Here to Send
Us An
Phone: (720) 200-4575 |